custom cakes

Our buttercream cakes are freaking delicious…


Cake starting at $10 per serving

We offer timeless classics and unique Cake Flavors, frostings and fillings.

Gluten-free options begin at $12/serving - available on request.

single + tiered cake servings

  • 6” (10-14 servings)

    8” (24-28 servings)

    10” (34-36 servings)

    12” (52-56 servings)

  • 6" + 4" (20 servings)

    8" + 6" (40 servings)

  • 8" + 6" + 4" (46 servings)

    10" + 8" (64 servings)

    10" + 8" + 6" (78 servings)

    12” + 9” + 6” (100 servings)

    12” + 10” + 8” (134 servings)

    12” + 10” + 8” + 6” (148 servings)

    12” + 10” + 8” + 6” + 4” (154 servings)

    14” + 12” + 10” + 8” + 6” (208 servings)

  • Backup Cake Options

    Quarter sheet cakes (48 servings)

    Half Sheet Cakes (96 servings)

cake display equipment for rent

We have a number of beautiful pieces that you are welcome to rent from us for your event.

Rental fee: $50

All borrowed equipment is requested to be returned within three days of your event

Return to:

4664 Basalt Ridge Circle, 80108

A party without cake is just a meeting.

A party without cake is just a meeting.

Ready to make your order? Contact us or submit an inquiry.